Sunday, September 12, 2010

Was Michael Murdered?

I know its been awhile since my last post. I have been struggling with my thoughts and feelings. It is very hard for me to write down my feelings especially about this subject as i am very passionate about what i believe. I know to most people I sound like a raving lunatic...and I am ok with that as I really don't care what people think about me...but what i do care about is the message I am trying to get across. I don't want people to discredit what i am saying because they think I am a crazy fan. Please have an open mind while reading what I write. I am just trying to make sense of a senseless death.

Why would Michael Jackson ever be murdered? Well there are many reasons.

In the 80s and 90s Michael Jackson ruled the world. He had more power over people than the President of the USA. He was a phenomenon. He broke the racial barrier, he sold more albums than anyone in the History of music. He gave away more money to charity than anyone has ever given up until this day. He got so big that no new artists could break into the music industry. He had the best videos...everything was on a grand one could compete.

What if the music industry turned on him and started to tear him down thinking they could make more money off of muliple artists instead of just one? The powers in charge who ran the music industry also ran the media. As we all know, the media had a field day with Michael and knocked him off his pedastal. What if a family was hired to discredit say he was a pediphile? Of course this charge would never go to court because the boy charging him never had any intention of testifying. Now his reputation was ruined. But then Michael fought back thru song lyrics and interviews...he became very vocal...the people in charge had to shut him up and show him who was they hired a news journalist to destroy him once and for all. Because of that news journalist and his documentary, as well as another hired family, Michael once again found himself in trouble. But this time he was not going to listen to his advisors...NO! he was going to fight it tooth and nail. He knew the truth.. It was a conpiracy. He fought it...and he won. He went into hiding and a few years later he needed to generate some income and agreed to do a concert series in London. We all know how that turned out. I however do not believe he was a drug addict. I do not believe he had a heart attack. Yes, he had healh problems... but michaels body was his temple. He only ate healthy foods. and for a majority of his life was a strict vegetarian. He kept himself thin and trim while he was working as this made him a better dancer. So many things about his death just don't add up.

I think his personal physician who was a cardiologist and not a anesthesiologist was hired to kill him.

Michael was about to do the biggest concert series ever. It was going to be huge. he would have been bigger than he was in the 80s if he had of pulled it off. the people in charge didn't want him to have that power again. They were busy promoting other artists like lady Gaga, who was the hottest artist at that time.

I am not sure if you have figured it out yet but these other people that are in charge that I am refering to are the illuminati. They control everything...from the songs you listen to to the food you eat to what you watch on t.v. They control it all. At one time they controlled Michael as well until he realised what they were doing...and he had to speak up. Now hes dead.

When his family talks about him being murdered but refuse to name who or why they are refering to the illuminati. They are afraid to speak up because they know if they do they will be killed or a loved one will be. I think Joe jackson sold his sons to the illuminati a long time ago in order for them to become famous. Its like selling your soul to the devil. I will elaborate on that in my next post.

Sometimes the truth can be stranger than fiction.