Friday, April 6, 2012

The way I see it...

I cannot begin to fathom the life that MJ had to endure. Sure he had Wealth, fame, power....etc.
Imagine though for a minute, having the pressure of being the bread winner of your family at the age of 7. Imagine having to give up all the things you loved to do like climbing trees, going to the park, playing sports...or even up the freedom to be able to just step out your front door without being mobbed by fans pulling on your clothes or your hair...imagine how scary that would have been for a young boy. Having to give up your life to feed your family at such a young age. To me he was the original Benjamin Button. He literally lived his life backwards...He had to be a Man when he was a young boy...and then wanted to be a boy when he was a man. You can see it in his eyes in pictures...he looks so old in his younger years and so playful and full of mischief in his older years. And then people wonder why he was so it any wonder?