Saturday, August 14, 2010


For the last few weeks I have been trying to figure out where to begin with my next post. Its going to be very hard to explain what I need to say. I decided to just come out and tell you what I believe and why and try to support my thinking with various videos, lyrics, articles and interviews. I know that most will not see it the same way as I do...and thats ok...I have researched this so much, I have read almost everything there is to know about the man...good or bad. Until you have done your own research please do not be negative..I am not saying you have to believe what i have written but at least explore the possibiity.

Basically it comes down to this. I believe Michael is either alive and faked his own death because people were after him and he is in hiding...OR....he was murdered by the people who control the media, music industry and perhaps "The World".

This post will explore him faking his own death.

"WHY" is probably going to be your first thought. If he did fake his own death, I don't blame him. He definately had motive. He owes the world nothing. He gave up his childhood and most of his adulthood to entertain the world and look at how he was repaid. He deserves to have his life back. I hope that if he is alive that he is enjoying his new found freedom with his children.

Yes, his children. I do not believe the children who are currently living with Michaels mother are actually his children. He did everything in his power to shield them from the public to keep them safe. Then 3 months before he died they were seen in public with him...everywhere. why? So the public would reconize them and believe they were his when he alledgedly died. I think he has been planning this for at least the last 10 years. Even his upcoming concerts were part of the plan. It was never meant to be a Concert Series but a Feature Film that would generate millions of dollars for his estate for many many years..not to mention all his record sales after his death as well as memorbilia. Only Michael could pull this off. He was the master of diguise and had the creative mind to think of how to pull it off. How many people film their rehearsal footage in HD?

Your next question is probably going to be Who was after him and why?

For many many years Michael has left subtle hints in his songs about the illuminati trying to control him as well as people trying to get him or punish him. He has spoken about it carefully in interviews as well as at protesting rallies and in other forms.

If you are going to continue to read this site you need to watch this video.

click here

Disregard the Satan/Obama references as well as the ghost of Michael near the end of this video as I am not a believer of either. All other info pertaining to MJ I 100% believe. He was very vocal about this subject in the last 10 years of his life. It is why he was accused with child molestation for the second time. They were warning him to shut his trap and when he didn't they showed him who was really in charge. If you notice in the video, the year was 2001. The same year he was charged with molesting Gavin. I think after the trial he decided to perhaps fake his death as he realised there was no way to defeat them without the publics awareness. No one would listen to him any longer...he was a wacko, pedo, freak who was no longer credible. So he did what was right for him. He vanished.

Xscape song lyrics by Michael Jackson (unreleased by Sony)

Everywhere I turn, no matter where I look
The systems in control, it's all ran by the book
I've got to get away so I can clear my mind,
Xscape is what I need,
Away from electric eyes

No matter where I am, I see my face around
They then ask on my name, and push from town to town
Don't have a place to run, but there's no need to hide,
I've got to, find a place,
So I won't hide away

Xscape, got to get away from a system lose in the world today
Xscape, the pressure that I face from relationships that's gone away
Xscape, the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle this man
Xscape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me

Sometimes I feel like
I've gotta get away

I tried to share my life with someone I could love
But games and money is all she ever thought of
How could that be my fault when she gambled and lost?
I'm tired of silly games,
It's time to make a change

Why is it I can't do whatever I want to?
Went in my personal life and I don't live for you
So don't you try to tell me what is right for me
You be concerned about you,
I can do what I want to

Xscape,got to get away from a system lose in the world today
Xscape, the pressure that I face from relationships that's gone away

Xscape, the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle this man
Xscape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me

Xscape,got to get away from a system lose in the world today
Xscape, the pressure that I face from relationships that's gone away
Xscape,the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle this
Xscape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me

When I go, this problem world won't bother me no more


Xscape, got to get away from a system lose in the world today
Xscape, the pressure that I face from relationships that's gone away
Xscape, the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle this man
Xscape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me

Xscape, got to get away from a system lose in the world today
Xscape, the pressure that I face from relationships that's gone away
Xscape, the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle this man
Xscape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me

Xscape, got to get away
Xscape, the pressure that I face
Xscape, the man with the pen
Xscape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me

Got to get away
The pressure that I face
The man with the pen
I do what I wanna
I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me


Another MUST WATCH video: Click Here

Heres another article that is related

click Here

I know I have given you alot to think about...probably too much to process...i just have so much info...that I need to post..Thats it for now. I will give you a few days to watch the vid and read the other pages.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wake UP People!!!

We are all being controlled. By the media, Television, radio, magazines, and music. I may sound nuts...but seriously...its true.

For instance, lets take television. You sit there watching your shows and a commercial comes on. They show a big..juicy..charbroiled burger, dripping special slow motion. Everything looks fresh and it makes your mouth water. You know what it tastes like because they are formulated to taste the same everytime. Its not food but a science. The fries they show are crispy looking and sprinkled with salt...they look so good you can almost taste them. You might even smell them. Some of you might even get so overpowered by the image and your memories, that you jump in your car and hit the drivethru. Do you know why? You have been programed over many years of being exposed to this.

Look at Tim Hortons. People will literally sit in the drivethru for 30 mins every morning for.....A COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!! To me that is insane. In the city I live in, 2 men got into a fist fight in the drivethru because the one guy thought the other guy took too long to order. There have been rumors for ages now that Tim Hortons is putting Nicatine in there food and coffee...Personally I wouldn't be surprised because the only way I would sit in a drivethru for that long for a coffee is if it was my Crack(haha)

And it doesn't stop there. After you bring home your bag of grease that looks NOTHING like it did on the commercial you stuff your face, and then other commercials come on...Jenny Craig, weightwatchers, gym membership commercials. You feel bloated, unhealthy and downright FAT!! You think, Jeez, I have a problem. I need to get healthy. The people in the commercial are so thin and fit, that there is no way the average person could ever acheive their size...but they enthusiasically tell you that you can do it too! They used to be just like you! Overweight, overeaters, etc. So what do you do? You join a gym, or Jenny Craig and pay big bucks to do so. So who really wins here? Not you!! You are unhealthy and just spent a shitload of money on a gym membership or meal plan to get results that are not realistic. You get discouraged and fall back into your old habits, and the vicious cycle repeats itself.

I know you are all wondering what the hell this all has to do with Michael jackson...but seriously it has alot to do with him. I will explain it in another upcoming post. Until my next post, pay attention to what you are watching, buying, reading and ask yourself I really want to be eating this? do I really need a new livingroom set? Do I really believe what this newscaster is telling me on CNN?

Wake Up people. Take control of your life. Pay attention to what is going on right in front of you.

I'll be back........

p.s. If you click the titles of my posts there is usually a related video link to go with the post. Todays link is totally geared towards the hungry young man. haha this commercial is a double whammy as they not only use food but also sex to lure the viewer.

Food and sex...Men don't have a chance! lol